Red Lobster Biscuits

Who doesn’t love Red Lobster’s Cheddar Biscuits?!  A basket of those biscuits and a salad and I am a happy woman! Soft, buttery, melt in your mouth, little biscuits …

I was in The Dollar Store one day and I stumbled upon the actual Red Lobster Biscuit mix.  Loving those little biscuits like I do, I was pretty excited.  I made them and they tasted wonderful, just like Red Lobster!  The problem was that next time I went to buy them, they did not have them.  I could not find them at my local grocery store either.  So I decided to find a recipe that I could make from scratch.  I found this recipe on-line and, with a few changes, think that they taste very much like the ones at Red Lobster

These biscuits are perfect with seafood, of course!  But also they go great with so many other dishes.  They also stand alone and make a great appetizer for that big Super Bowl Party.  Who can pass them up? They will be a great hit at any party or gathering.


I decided I liked them so much that I am sharing with my friends over at Fiesta Friday.  If you don’t know Fiesta Friday than you should check it out.  We share recipes and have loads of fun chatting and getting to know one another.  It is hosted by a  fellow blogger, Angie over at The Novice Gardener.  Angie has a wonderful food blog with the most amazing recipes.  So come on and check it out.  And in the meantime, please do try these wonderful Cheddar Biscuits!

Happy Fiesta Friday! Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Thanks for visiting!


Red Lobster Biscuits


servings 12


2 cups Bisquick 

2/3 cup milk 

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 

3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese 

1/4 cup butter 

1/4 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning (Garlic & Herb) 

1/2 teaspoon parsley flakes


Heat oven to 400. Melt butter and set aside.

Sift together Bisquick, garlic powder and Old Bay Seasoning. Stir in milk, frozen cheddar cheese, parsley flakes and melted butter.

Drop dough by spoonfuls onto un-greased cookie sheet.

Bake 7-8 minutes.


26 thoughts on “Red Lobster Biscuits

  1. Oh, man, the close up shot is not fair. Sometimes when you get so close to the food it doesn’t look so fabulous if you know what I mean. NOT SO HERE! Thank you for parting with these to share with us on Fiesta Friday #50. I will try not to eat them all!


  2. Love it! I’ve actually tried a recipe to duplicate those tasybmorsels lately and I’m still looking for a winner. I’ll give your rendition a try next time. They look rich and yummy!


    1. Hi there! I do like the Red Lobster box mix. It is just not easy to find where I live. So this recipe was pretty close. I hope you get a chance to try it and enjoy it. Thanks for visiting 🙂


  3. Wow – these look fabulous – I’ve heard so much about these Red Lobster Biscuits – I must remember to add Bisquick to my list so that I can at least keep an eye out for it as it’s not readily available on our shelves…thanks for bringing these to the party – Happy Fiesta Friday!


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting! I must apologize for the slow response back to you. I had knee surgery and am just now trying to get back in the swing of things! 🙂


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