Arl's World

Experiments in life …one day at a time.

Versatile Blogger Award

I was so excited to recently be nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!! Yay!

versatile blogger award

I received this nomination by Chefjulianna over at Foodie on Board.  I must admit I am a bit late in accepting this award, but non the less thrilled to receive it.  So a big THANK YOU Julianna!!  She was recently awarded the Versatile Blogger award and rightly so.  Have you seen her blog?  She has the most amazing recipes.  All so elegantly photographed, these are tried and true recipes. You must take some time to visit her blog and maybe try some of her world traveled recipes.  Yes, that is right, many of her recipes are from places she has traveled such as Asia.  And she does most of her cooking on the weekend, as she is an educator during the week.  How amazing is that!! I don’t know where she finds the time to cook all these wonderful recipes but I am glad she does. 🙂

One of the great things about blogging is that you get to meet so many wonderful people.  We have some of the best bloggers on wordpress, who are so supporting and kind to newcomers like me.  Now it is my turn to pay forward and nominate some truly deserving blogs for this award.  But first, as part of the rules, I will be sharing some facts about myself. 🙂

Facts about Me:

1.  I love Peanut Butter, it is one of my favorite foods and I always have some in the cabinet.

2.  My favorite dessert is Cheesecake, yet I have never made one for myself.

3.  I have always loved the ocean and beach.  It is my favorite place to go.  Part of my bucket list is to travel to as many beautiful beaches as possible.

4.  I actually enjoy cleaning house and having everything in place …just a little OCD. 😉

5.  I prefer Summer and tropical climate.

6.  I prefer the country and wide open spaces to the city and skyscrapers.

7.  When I was in second grade I was hit accidentally by a baseball bat and required 42 stitches above my left eye.

Now for the Rules:

1.  Create a post and thank the person who nominated you and link your post back to their blog.

2.  Nominate 15 other bloggers that you think have a versatile blog, link back to their blog.  Notify them to let them know they are nominated.

3.  Share 7 little known facts about yourself.

And now for the most important part …the Nominees!

The Nominees Are:

The Wandering Poet





A Cat’s Artistic Endeavours

Go Where no Sophia has gone before

Psychosomatically In Love

Plucking of My Heartstrings

Under the Pecan Leaves

Project Light to Life

Adopting James

Seriously Daph

Beauty & the Butcher

Aisha’s Oasis

A Day In The Life


Untitled medw_cowgirl-003


22 responses to “Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. Arl, what a LOVELY Monday surprise!!!!!!!!! I am going to save and post my nominees at the weekend when I can give this the time it deserves but thank you sooooo much so super excited!! Thank you again PS keep up the blogging I love your blog! xx


    1. You are very welcome! And thank you so much for the kind words!! Happy Monday! 🙂


  2. Yay Arl! So excited for you! You totally need to make a cheesecake for yourself! 🙂 And getting hit by that bat?! Ouch!
    Congrats again! Hope this award brought you lots of encouragement!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Lori!!! Happy Monday to you! 🙂


      1. Right back at you Arl! 🙂


  3. Hi Arl, sorry one more quick question! Incidentally I was thinking today about how I wanted to enter this competition but I thought it would be better if I am nominated would you do me a massive favour and if you think I am worthy would you nominate me for this thanks so much!! xXx


    1. Ok, I will check it out.


      1. Ah thank you I checked and people can nominate you as many times as they want…my blog fits into lifestyle and newcomer..if you have anything like this where you are and need the same just shout! Are you US based? I love the US so much!!! xx


  4. Thanks for nominating me!


  5. Congratulations! You and your blog are undoubtedly deserving, Arl. Now to really prove your “versatility”, I recommend you make yourself a peanut butter cheesecake, pronto. 😉


    1. LOL Nancy! I think a Peanut Butter Cheesecake would be good …with some chocolate somewhere in there. 🙂 Thank you so much for always being so supportive of my blog.


      1. Oh yeah…chocolate too! 😛
        It’s easy to be supportive of a great blog like yours…keep those posts coming!


      2. Aww …thanks and I will! 🙂


  6. Hi Arl! I really loved reading your post! I think that this is the very best way to get to know other bloggers and seeing what we have in common with each other! I too love the country over the city and I love beaches too! Thanks for your kind words and congratulations to you! 🙂


  7. Hi there Julianna! Thank you! I agree, this is a great way to get to know one another. I always enjoy reading what other people put for their answers and more often than not, we all have something in common. 🙂


  8. We could be twins…except for’re on your own!


    1. LOL, yes I get that reaction with #4. 🙂 Monique! Where have you been, I have not seen any of your post in my reader lately. In fact, I looked for your blog and I thought you had de-activated it. Glad to see you are still here! 🙂


      1. I have barely kept up on my other blog “every day in 2014”. Since my surgery I’ve been down, busy or just not creative. I’m catching up. Glad you noticed! I’ll be back 🙂


      2. Good, I’m glad! 🙂 I hope you are back to 100% or if not really soon!!


  9. Congratulations, and thanks so much for nominating me! I’m atotal peanut butter fan too, and definitely country over city. Wow, that baseball bat must’ve hurt! ♥♥♥ ;^)


  10. […] post dedicated to Versatility, in gratitude to Arl, of Arl’s World for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you very much, […]


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